Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Friday, November 17, 2006

A new abode

Hello y'all. There's been a bit of movement on the western front, for I have now moved to Roseneath and my new carpeted bedroom. It seems like luxury. I moved most of my stuff on Saturday with the help of my now ex-flatmate Anna, and have brought over other bits and bobs throughout the week. Laura has now returned to us which has been lovely, and we took a trip to the cinema on Tuesday to see a NZ film called 'Out of the Blue'. It's about some shootings that happened in a small town outside of Dunedin in 1990. The way it has been done is fantastic and I would recommend you watch it, even though the subject is grim.
These are some pics of the view from my new place taken on weds evening when fred, laura, and their fellow bunacer Chris, came for tea and to watch the Ricky Gervais episode of the Simpsons - very funny.

This is Fred trying to engage our neighbour's cat in conversation. The cat figured out early on that the best thing to do with Fred is just turn and walk away. Very wise.Myself and Laura are off to the food and wine festival this weekend with Elaine, Nick and some others. It should be a jolly good day. Our other big news is that we are off to see Elton John on the 6th of December (me and Laura that is) - wohoo!! He's playing the rugby stadium here in Welli. It should be fab.

Other stuff that's been happening - I was treated to salmon and yummy potatoes at Elaine and Nick's a couple of weeks ago, and then another yummy treat of lasagne on Monday night at the same location, followed by a viewing of Bringing Up Baby. Wonderful film. Myself and Elaine went to check out an open mic night a last week, and the acoustic night the week before. Very enjoyable, although the open mic night had a few strange partakers with one guy singin a random rock opera (including a mixed in version of imagine - need less to say it wasn't good). And that's all I can think of at the mo, plus it's lunchtime - yey!!

I do however want to leave you with a website that you should go and visit coz it shows you just how many earthquakes we lads and lasses have down here in NZ. I just found out about it because we have just had one, and a fellow temp told me where to go to find out the info. So here it is www.geonet.org.nz Check it out!! xxxxx


At 4:55 pm, Blogger Fred & Laura said...

Yay!!!!! Elton John!! Can't wait

Laura x

At 12:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol King AND Elton John?! I'm supremely jealous my love. You must be so excited! Views from your new place are beautiful xx

At 4:18 am, Blogger Alan D said...

Yes, all species should walk away from the small one.

Elton John, fantastic! Like Sal, I too am jealous.

Stunning views from your new flat, beats the ones from mine. One side is a graveyard (most comfortable to sleep in), the other a patch of scrub. Ahhhh, the wonders of the granite city!

At 5:41 am, Blogger Alan D said...

Bryan Adams is brilliant! Am, agaoin, jealous. As if Dolly wasn't enough...

At 8:52 am, Blogger Kt said...

If only all of us could go to every gig life would be perfect. I would love to see Bryan Adams (and Dolly) but it always seemed too much of an expense and distance in Britain, as he never played close to home. After living here though, hopefully i will bring home the will to make that effort. You get a lot more out of life that way. Hmm. My advice to you Dodfather is to get to a gig yourself, then you can be jealous of yourself instead of others.

At 4:59 am, Blogger Alan D said...

Sound advice indeed. I do actually leave the house and go to gigs sometimes though, haha! Like you said, it's such an expense to go and see a lot of the people I like in Britan 'cos they never play here. Laziness on their part is what it is.

Fleetwod Mac are playing the US the week AFETR I get back from there next year. Gutted.

At 12:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FAO: Sally's mum. I saw Bryan Adams in concert years ago at the SECC in Glasgow, he was ace and you will love him.


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