Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Friday, September 29, 2006

Fred wasn't ready for the jelly (we told him) but I was ready for my lunch

Hee hee, it's Friday and I've just got back from a 'work' lunch which lasted two hours (I'm a little tipsy), and was a reward for lots of hard work a few weeks ago. We (myself, Jason, Tina - our supervisor - and our two managers) went to a korean/something else restaurant which was Jason's choice. The food was yummy, obviously even more so coz I wasn't paying!! I had a tuna loin stonegrill with lemon and cucumber for entree followed by lamb shanks coated in something with some kind of curry sauce thing (they were words I didn't understand and cannot remember), accompanied by a glass or two of merlot and a martini rosso avec lemonade (surprise surprise). As Del Boy puts it lovely jubbly.
That's a mere aside however, as the main reason I wanted to post was to inform Sally, and the rest of the public, that Fred wasn't ready for that jelly. Laura informed me yester eve that Fred had made some jelly on Wednesday for himself and his lovely lass. In commencing in this hanus act he was clearly not heeding the warning that me and Sally had given him but two months ago that he wasn't ready for this most delicious but dangerous gelatin substance. He should not have been surprised, therefore, to suffer from tummy ache after consumption. Fred, I have no sympathy, you were foolish my friend. We are wise, do not turn from our ways. Love and kisses. Me. xxxxxxxxxxxx Hee hee.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

On a roll

Hello, me again. Hardly likely to be anyone else is it, though I would enjoy it if it was. It feels like I've been blogging loads recently. My only real news is that I had a yoga class last night and I was rubbish!! I did feel very stretched afterwards though, and after claiming yester eve that I wouldn't be going back, after thinking some more I may well give it a few more goes to see if I can improve. That's it really, plus it's time to go home once more, or more correctly time to meet laura for a drink and a chat. au revoir. xxxxx

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thank you for reading

Last night I did something I've been wanting to do for ages, but somehow never got round to - I went to the cinema by myself. You people have probably done it yourselves and thus think what's the big deal? and I don't suppose it is a big deal, it's just I'm happy to have finally done it. What was even better was that it was in a small screen into which I was the first to enter, and I was greeted with music from LOTR. I couldn't think of anything more fitting. Then came Harry Potter music and Pirates - it was brill. The film was really good too (Thank You For Smoking), so if you haven't already got it on order dad then I suggest you do.
In response to comments on a previous post
- Anna of course McFly is in the same league - hope you have a fab time (who's going wit ya?)
- Sally's mum I'm not sure if Carole is doing a world tour, if i hear anything i'll let you know. Hope you have a good trip.
I'd also like to do a shout out to Auntie Margaret and Uncle Geoff who were on Northwest Tonight a couple of weeks ago (not sure of the date) with their larger than life tomatoes - lovin it!! I assume the moment's been captured on tape/dvd?
Right, it's hometime so I'm off. ta ta. xxxxx

Monday, September 25, 2006

At the Zoo (go on sing it, you won't be able to get it out of your head for ages)

A very bizarre coincidence occurred this weekend. All of Friday afternoon I couldn't stop singing 'At the Zoo' by Simon and Garfunkel, and then what do we do on Saturday but take a trip to the zoo? (not at my suggestion mind). It was a fairly breezy day but we didn't let that stop us, nor the fact that the bus we were going to get didn't run on a weekend, nor the fact that Laura missed an invisible bus (not a hard thing to miss really). Yes, it seemed all the elements were against us, and yet still we went on, on to the zoo.

With a YHA card admission was half price, so we got in for the bargain price of $7.50. We saw otters and pig/hog things (though not together), a malayan sunbear, tigers, lions,

(I really like the bottom two photos of the lions - do you? If so why, because i can't figure out why i do. Maybe they need a caption or something?)

wallabies, mingin dog things that we caught at feeding time, giraffes, zebras, ostriches (bizarre as I'd had my first taste of Ostrich the night before), and (saving the best for last) merekats. Just look at them they're soooooooo cute.

This is the merekats doing an impression of me and laura.

Ha ha, only kidding, it's us doing an impression of them!!!

They had really ace signs all over the place with friendly advice from your neighbourhood zoo keeper. Good advice it was too.

The day was nicely rounded off with an evening of Top Gun (avec music videos which must be seen) and Ray at Caroline and Sally's. Me and laura were doin a bit of freestylin at the bus stop waiting for the last bus, and good it was too. xxxxx

Friday, September 22, 2006

The slide is back!!!! And other news

Sally, you know how happy this makes me!!!! No, it's not accessible yet, but it's back and that's the important bit. It all happened within a couple of days. On Tuesday it was in pieces, and yesterday evening there is was standing tall. I think I slightly worried Caroline with my enthusiasm as I bounded over the grass to greet my old friend, but how could i not? Look at it!!It was a nice evening to boot so myself and Caroline decided to wander homewards via Oriental Bay and check out the sunset that we were privileged enough to witness. It looks a wee bit different on the photos, but hey, what can i do about that?

And then, if one slide wasn't enough, I found the other slide that I had heard so much about, and yet which had so far eluded me. It looks ace I must say, and I will be giving it a go in the near future. The wind, combined with a skirt made it impossible last night.
Other interesting news from my week -
1, I joined the library on Monday, a very exciting event, and took out my first three books - a history of czechoslovakia (relevant to a book i'm reading), tom waits's biography, and a music book on composition. I've been doing a lot of reading this week, and i'm loving it.
2, I finally completed my makeshift wardrobe door/curtain in my room, and only have to get a bedside table and i'm set.
3, Ooh yes and i got my bed last thursday - it's sooooo comfy and huge.

I can't remember anything else right now, i'm sure there was something else to tell you - oh yep, i've remembered - i'm going to see Carole King in December in Christchurch. i'm so excited - I'm fourth row from the front in the middle. Wowza!!

Anyhoo, done a lot of bloggin today so i'll be off now. Please drop me a line to say hi (ie leave a comment), I'd love to hear from you. i've changed the settings now so you shouldn't have any problems leaving a comment (as you've noticed mum!!). xxxxx

A Sunday Stroll

This is some pics from last Sunday when I went out into the Orongarongas (no idea how you spell that, but that's how it sounds) with my friend Karen. We did a five mile bush walk, and the weather was beautiful.
This is a pic of the stunning bush we walked through and some clearer views when we got towards the end of the loop. It kinda reminded me of Spain, and yet with all the gorse also Scotland - it was everywhere.This is a little further round the coast - Karen found this piece of driftwood that looked like a dinosaur - i have called him Stewart - and here he is posing in front of the view if the South Island and the Kaikouras.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Day four, chopped wood, headed home

I know it's hard to take, but yes another beautiful day dawned for us on the Wednesday and we all ran around before leaving to get shots of the cabin. Here you see it in all it's splendour with Mt Ruapehu behind.
Below you see some of us girls havin a go with the axe.

And this is a pic of the Bazzacakka crew (aka Fred, Laura, Caroline, Sally, me, and Andy) in the lounge of the cabin.
Oooh, and this is a location from LOTR (Two Towers) which we visited before heading back. It is the shot where gollum is trying to catch a fish in Ithilien - naturally Fred recreated the scene (well kind of - he wasn't gonna get wet coz that would be silly). It was so exciting to see as it looks exactly like on the film, probably because it is exactly like on the film.
I thought I'd put another picture on here of Fred and Laura in Ithilien - it also looks like it's just popped out from the film, but as you can see (and can't see), it isn't here. How odd. Peace out. xxxxx

Day three, still no bell, ate a little less food i think

Yes, as you can see, day three of our adventure (day two of skiing) was another beautiful day up on the slopes. After getting our confidence on the first day we had a bit of a run on the baby slopes before heading onwards and upwards to the higher slopes, and the top of a run called the rock garden. There was another baby slope up top which you see here, and here myself, Laura and Caroline began our next step lesson. We were put in the faster group, but after going only a wee way down the rock garden we decided to take it on our own as the instructor did not do things to our liking. Fred was an eager beaver and had done the run once before lunch, and on his third run down he escorted us ladies on our way. The snow was a mixture of mounds of slush and pretty icey stuff which didn't make for easy skiing, and so a few falls were had by all. Laura and Caroline thought one run was enough and so headed back to happy valley to enjoy a more relaxed skiing adventure, whereas i gave it one more go, and ended up one more time on my butt. That was enough for me - Fred had to wait about five minutes for me to have the guts to attempt the last narrow bit with all the blummin snowboarders coming around me. We all ended up back at happy valley by the last of the runs and managed to get some action shots in - see above.
This is me, Caroline and Laura posing with our skis as we headed in for the afternoon.
This is an attempt to show you the rock garden run, but unless i am with you to point it out (which i obviously am not) you won't know which bit it is - it's not the obvious bit on the left (although Fred did do that - I saw him, and bravo to him for it).

This is the crew posing with Bazzcakka, after which we headed a little way down the mountain to do some mordor shots - another piece of cinematic genius of course!!
And it wouldn't be my blog without a picture of the sunset when there's one to be had. Beautiful. xxxxx

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day two, had no bell, ate lots of food

We awoke to this view on Monday morning (aka Laura's birthday). This is a view across our back yard with Mt Ruapehu sat above the trees.This is the view from our front garden looking westwards to Mt. Taranaki.
And here's the birthday girl.
Pancakes were the order of the day- fred was the main chef, but as you see below i did attempt (successfully i may add) to flip a few of my own. Twas a very enjoyable relaxing morning.Look how we are enjoying ourselves and are very relaxed.
Laura even had some special visitors to wish her a happy birthday.
There were only two showers between 9 of us so here I am sat in the swing seat awaiting my turn. I loved that seat.

This is a view that might bring back memories for Sally (N) as it shows Mt.s Nugurahoe and Tongariro, taken on our drive to the ski fields.
The five skiiers decided to opt for the beginners package which included ski hire, a lesson, a happy valley pass (happy valley being the beginners area), and a sightseeing pass to the top of the chairlifts. As we'd taken our time getting there, we took our sightseeing trip first so that we only had to pay half day prices on our clothing rental. Here you see us girls as far up the mountain as we could go. It was stunning, and such a glorious day for it.
This is the five of us towards the end of our lesson at the top of the happy valley run. I must say we all look ace.
We headed home to get showered and changed for our meal at the Powderhorn and managed to witness this amazing sunset before we headed out. These are two of my favourite pics I've taken in a while, the bottom one especially.

The meal was stunning - I had lamb and I know this will shock you Sally, but it certainly gave the brewery a run for its money. mmmmm. I was designated driver and so go to have a go in Bazzacakka, taking him for a wee test run first to get a cake for Laura with Fred and Rhys. Unfortunately we just missed the supermarket, and so had to go into a cafe and ask for a whole cake (luckily there was still one with no pieces taken out), I think the staff found it quite amusing. It was good cake. We went back to the cabin to enjoy that and some more drinks and thus ended a day enjoyed by one and all. xxxx

Day one, rang bell, we set off

It began on Sunday the 10th of September at 7.30am. Well it was supposed to, but little Laura was a tad sick, and so we were a bit late in setting off. No matter though as we (Laura, Fred, Caroline, Sally, Andy, and myself) took a nice leisurely drive up in Bazzacakka with Fred at the helm once more, having a few stops on the way for lunch and photo ops.
Here you see Laura and Fred with Bazzacakka on the way from Wanganui to Okahune.

The mountain was closed on our day of travel so we just headed straight to the cabin, had some tea and drinks, watched spiderman 2 and headed to bed ready for our first day of skiing.

Friday, September 08, 2006

All Ski!!

Yup yup, this Sunday we're off up to Mount Ruapehu and our log cabin for our ski adventure!! We are all very excited. Log fires and marshmallows aplenty. We're setting off early Sunday morning to get up there for an afternoon of sledging, before two days of skiing (snowboarding for some), and celebration of Laura's birthday on the Monday evening. My guitar is also accompanying us, so there'll hopefully be a few songs around the fire too. Plenty of pictures and some film will be taken. Seeing as it's Mount Doom we're going to (didn't know that until I read Fred and Laura's blog - thanks for that info), there may be some re-enacting going on too. Well I'd better get back to work and get through the rest of Friday afternoon. Hope y'all have a good weekend and start to next week. xxxx
Ooh yes, a little note for mum - I bumped into Chloe at the bus stop yesterday morning (it took me a few seconds to recognise her!!) as she has been staying with people in Hataitai, and we went out for dinner last night. She's moving into a flat in the centre of town at the weekend, and seems to be pretty sorted. Had a very interesting first day of work by the sounds of it. xx

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The last few weeks in pictures

We start with a picture of the snow capped mountains taken from a jetty just off Oriental parade almost 3 weeks ago. It was the day myself and Elaine took lunch in the sunshine. We continue with a picture of the happy quiz team making the most of their $40 bar tab a week last Saturday. We had two bottles of wine between four, and felt a little tipsy on stepping outside, so much so we ended up watching the emperors new groove until 2 in the morning - aha ha i chuckle thinking of kronks theme tune bit even now (how does one represent a chuckle in textual form?).
This is Fred and Laura doing a creepy person walk down the really nasty steeeeeeeeeeeep hill one must face to get to their flat (good for your thighs). It is hard to walk up this hill in a normal walking fashion, and so one tends to adopt a walk that looks like a cartoon baddy when they do their creepy walk, which then makes you giggle when you see the other person doing it, and thus it is even harder to get up the blummin thing. This was taken on our way to our Sunday jazz session.
The two photos below were taken from the roof of my office building - one of the guys i work with had found a way up there, and during our impromptu hour long break on Friday (due to network failure) up we went. The first is looking towards Mt Vic, the second over towards Petone.

And last, but not least, some pics of my new house taken this weekend. And that's that.
