Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bits and Bobs and Holiday Cheer

OOh, not long to go now peeps!! I shall be putting a special Christmas post on nearer to the time, but as I haven't put pics on for a few events I have chosen now to be the time. Firstly some from the Pinnacles, inspired by Lal's post. These will include the 'Album Cover' shot, intense!! Ooh but first, I can't resist, I have to wish you a sneaky Merry Christmas right now for why should I wait!! Merry Christmas!! Ok, back to pictures. Woah - for a minute there as i was loading the photos, I thought Smith and Jones avec Kim Wilde 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' had just come onto my Xmas radio station, but I was, alas, mistaken. I am without my Christmas music over here you see, and it upsets me, but I'm getting through somehow. I did just get a mighty fine treat courtesy of Slade, but they have been rather few and far between. Anyhoo, once more to the task at hand. So that's a few shots from les pinnacles. I think the last one conveys their magnificence. What do you think? What else do we have..... Ah yes. myself and Laura went for a wander in the sun a couple of weekends ago. We met up in Hataitai and strolled over Mt Victoria, with stops at some of our filming locations, which oddly correspond to some locations that the LOTR team used. Strange, but true my friends, strange but true. Below is one such location. Here you see we tried to capture the essence of the scene (the flight to the ferry - "that rider was looking for something, or someone. Frodo?) even though we were without our two co-stars Fred and Sal. Thumbs up to you two, and to us also quite frankly, as I think we did well with limited resources.Let's see, next we progess to last week when we got our Christmas presents from work. Here I am with my lovely box which was filled with wine (merlot no less) and christmas cake. Yum yum. Naturally I had to have Christmas music on while I opened it.
And that's all folks until the Christmas installment. You take care and enjoy the festive season and all it brings. Until next time I bid you adieu. xxxxxx


At 4:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel and Smith's 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' is truly one of the best xmas songs ever, up there 'Santa Claus is comin' to town' by the Boss.

"Think we can make it to the end?"
"How long is that exactly?"

"Lets do it again! A one two three four"

To be honest my love I haven't heard it yet this christmas and it's a fact I don't like! xxx

At 9:11 am, Blogger Kt said...

Thanks guys, it's nice to have fellow yuletide music enthusiasts!! Ho ho ho and Merry Christmas to the both of you. And some hugs for good measure. Bring on the snowballs!! xxx

At 1:21 pm, Blogger Fred & Laura said...

Yeah, I gotta say, one thing NZ is seriously lacking in is the yuletide music - hmph! Although, I did just hear some of Cliff being pumped out of someones car and all the heads in the office popped up above their desks (comedy moment)until someone shrieked "Its a actually a sleigh!!" Ah my jingle joy was reinstated!! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
L x

At 2:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the xmas e-mail, I enjoyed that. Christmas Eve in N.Z sounds really good. Have a great xmas and best wishes for 2007. Rich

At 5:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: the Christmas music fondness--wow, you really do need to come visit. You and my mother would get on famously!

~Analisa (finally catching up on the blogs... e-mail soon!)


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