Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Friday, November 24, 2006

Walking and Wednesdays

Good afternoon, for here it is afternoon. We have had reasonable weather here in Welli this week, though not up to summer standards - the wind is still abounding. Due to the improvement I have been able to walk to work a couple of mornings this week and took some pics on my way so you can see where i come from and where i go. This is half way down the Roseneath hill looking over oriental parade towards the CBD. It's a fab walk on a nice day. I began my 4 day week this week - in an effort to get more out of my last few months in Welli. This started well with a Champagne breakfast provided by work...
...and then a day of writing with Elaine, some of which occured down by the water in the open air as you see here. It's the first time either of us has written with someone else, and was pretty successful on the whole.
I am really looking forward to the weekend as hopefully there are 2 days of lotr site visits and filming in store. Pictures from that next week my friends. Well I'll be off for now coz it's nearly 5. Have a good weekend yourselves. xxxx


At 5:18 am, Blogger Alan D said...

A champagne breakfast provided by work?! Any jobs going???

At 8:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey chick... wow champagne breakfast!!! nice!!!
all i get at work is lots of tea.......
by the way i have read all your blog finally and it looks like you are having an amazing time... am sooo jealous... london is just not as exciting as bootiful NZ!!

talk soon

At 9:10 am, Blogger Kt said...

Trust me dodfather you wouldn't want one - they need to do a heck of a lot more than a champagne breakfast to make this job worth it. Fred will agree. But generally they do have a better idea of how to treat employees over here. The Uk could learn some stuff. Hiya Becca, I'll have to come down and visit you when you get back, and if I'm travelling back via asia I'll have to get your advise. xx

At 4:00 pm, Blogger Fred & Laura said...

I absolutely love that picture of you and Elaine with your guitars at the harbour - its so artistic and almost like an album cover.
I hear tell there is another picture that looks like an album cover lurking in your camera? release it my good man!

L x

At 9:19 am, Blogger Becca said...

too right you will have to visit missy!! ooh asia... as queen of asia i recommend it.. i just wish they would send me there, but i can tell you some decent and cheap hotels to stay in :)

At 11:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey honmey how are you? Can I request an update soon please? I'm dying to know how Carol was! xxx

At 12:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I just noticed my typo- yes you are my honmey- my homie and my honey. Jeloys! x

At 8:40 am, Blogger Kt said...

Oh don't talk about coming home yet!! And don't be too jealous as the weather here is pretty darn similar at the moment. I'd love to get up knowing it's going to be warm and sunny, but if you expect wind, dashed with rain you're more likely to be right. Yo back to you my honey homie.xx


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