Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Monday, September 25, 2006

At the Zoo (go on sing it, you won't be able to get it out of your head for ages)

A very bizarre coincidence occurred this weekend. All of Friday afternoon I couldn't stop singing 'At the Zoo' by Simon and Garfunkel, and then what do we do on Saturday but take a trip to the zoo? (not at my suggestion mind). It was a fairly breezy day but we didn't let that stop us, nor the fact that the bus we were going to get didn't run on a weekend, nor the fact that Laura missed an invisible bus (not a hard thing to miss really). Yes, it seemed all the elements were against us, and yet still we went on, on to the zoo.

With a YHA card admission was half price, so we got in for the bargain price of $7.50. We saw otters and pig/hog things (though not together), a malayan sunbear, tigers, lions,

(I really like the bottom two photos of the lions - do you? If so why, because i can't figure out why i do. Maybe they need a caption or something?)

wallabies, mingin dog things that we caught at feeding time, giraffes, zebras, ostriches (bizarre as I'd had my first taste of Ostrich the night before), and (saving the best for last) merekats. Just look at them they're soooooooo cute.

This is the merekats doing an impression of me and laura.

Ha ha, only kidding, it's us doing an impression of them!!!

They had really ace signs all over the place with friendly advice from your neighbourhood zoo keeper. Good advice it was too.

The day was nicely rounded off with an evening of Top Gun (avec music videos which must be seen) and Ray at Caroline and Sally's. Me and laura were doin a bit of freestylin at the bus stop waiting for the last bus, and good it was too. xxxxx


At 2:39 am, Blogger Kt said...

I do not know this Simon and Garfunkle tune! I shall have to seek it out methinks. Very good pics. The meercats look almost as cute as you and Laura!

At 7:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MEERKATS!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!! Tried to convince the girls that at least one would fit in my bag but I was thwarted - damn it!

Sally Sally...you dont know the zoo tune?? Its ace! Although it does say that giraffes are insincere, which Kt has real problems with (its just a song Kt, dont take it to heart my lovely). Here is a snippet just for you Sal...ahem "...and elephants are kindly but they're dumb". Aah, sweet music!


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