Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Friday, September 22, 2006

The slide is back!!!! And other news

Sally, you know how happy this makes me!!!! No, it's not accessible yet, but it's back and that's the important bit. It all happened within a couple of days. On Tuesday it was in pieces, and yesterday evening there is was standing tall. I think I slightly worried Caroline with my enthusiasm as I bounded over the grass to greet my old friend, but how could i not? Look at it!!It was a nice evening to boot so myself and Caroline decided to wander homewards via Oriental Bay and check out the sunset that we were privileged enough to witness. It looks a wee bit different on the photos, but hey, what can i do about that?

And then, if one slide wasn't enough, I found the other slide that I had heard so much about, and yet which had so far eluded me. It looks ace I must say, and I will be giving it a go in the near future. The wind, combined with a skirt made it impossible last night.
Other interesting news from my week -
1, I joined the library on Monday, a very exciting event, and took out my first three books - a history of czechoslovakia (relevant to a book i'm reading), tom waits's biography, and a music book on composition. I've been doing a lot of reading this week, and i'm loving it.
2, I finally completed my makeshift wardrobe door/curtain in my room, and only have to get a bedside table and i'm set.
3, Ooh yes and i got my bed last thursday - it's sooooo comfy and huge.

I can't remember anything else right now, i'm sure there was something else to tell you - oh yep, i've remembered - i'm going to see Carole King in December in Christchurch. i'm so excited - I'm fourth row from the front in the middle. Wowza!!

Anyhoo, done a lot of bloggin today so i'll be off now. Please drop me a line to say hi (ie leave a comment), I'd love to hear from you. i've changed the settings now so you shouldn't have any problems leaving a comment (as you've noticed mum!!). xxxxx


At 11:40 pm, Blogger Kt said...

Slidey slides! I found a particularly fine one in York and took a picture of it on my phone to show you, but it sertainly doesn't compare with the glory of slides a la Wellington!

At 3:20 am, Blogger Alan D said...

Carole King! Wow! That will be fanyastic, I think I'll go and put Tapestry on as a form of celebration in your honour.

At 9:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sunset photos are STUNNING!

And I didn't even know you liked Tom Waits. (He's on the label I used to work for.) Guess I should know by now that anyone with any ties to "Alice" will be familiar to Sally and thus you! (I can remember slapping ENDLESS stickers onto the shrinkwrap of ENDLESS boxes of those CDs, actually. Not fun.) Anyway, let me know if the book's worth hunting down!


At 3:38 pm, Blogger Kt said...

That's so cool that you worked for the same label!! It's definitely worth a read, it's so interesting to learn where songs came from and the life he was living when he wrote them. Some of his songs mean an awful lot to me. Are you coming down to Welli anytime soon?xx


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