Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Friday, August 25, 2006

There's a balloon on my bus

Good day to you my friends. It is now Friday and I shall fill you in with the news of my week. First up, I now have a job!! It's not the best job, and it doesn't pay that well, but it's money so that I can afford to live whilst grooving on and looking for another job. Second up - and much more exciting - we are going skiing two weeks on Sunday, which coincides nicely with Laura's birthday on the Monday. We are staying for 3 nights in a Log Cabin (complete with log fire) at Ruhapehu Lodge. We are all very excited - well I assume everyone is, I haven't actually seen half the people yet to know if they are or not, but why wouldn't you be?!! Third up, we came third in the Sports Cafe Quiz on Tuesday night (the team being myself, Laura, Fred, Elaine and Rhys), so we're out at the weekend to spend the $40 bar tab. I shall hopefully be going to look round a few more flats this weekend. And that's that really. Hope you all have a jolly nice weekend. xxxx
p.s. the title of the post refers (surprisingly) to the yellow balloon on my No.7 bus this morning.


At 8:41 am, Blogger Annie said...

Hello my lovely! well done on the job! xxx


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