Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Oooooohhhh and other things

Bonjour mon amis. So nice to see you all on the comments page, I was a little worried I would arrive to find only Fred's comment, but it's made me feel all warm inside to know that you are with me (and I'm very glad to still have you Fiona!!). Especially exciting to have a comment from Malaysia - hiya Sal!! Well it's been go go go since we last spoke, or it certainly feels like that. I had a lovely evening with Fred and Laura on Mon - me and Laura arrived home and Fred was waiting with hot water bottles for us, how cute is that?!! And very needed considering the inclement weather that had descended. Here is a pic of the view from Fred and Laura's lounge window for those of you who haven't visited their blog and seen it already. Very nice I think you'll agree - you may be able to make out the boat from King Kong across the other side of the harbour. It's towards the left of the picture, in the first gap between the trees as you move from the left - if you know what I mean?!
On Tuesday I packed up my stuff ready for my move in the evening, went and bought tickets for Miami Vice at the Embassy, went round to a mates for a cuppa, and then met up with Fred and Laura to head to the cinema. It was actually quite a good film, I think we all enjoyed it. Then I moved my stuff over to my pad of the next week, and once there I was reunited with some stuff that i hadn't seen for 6 weeks, like my leaving cards from you guys back home, and my journal. It was all quite emotional. Yesterday was my day of work in which I ended up having two assignments - the first was a four hour stint working on the Police switchboard (a little scary - especially considering they were expecting someone with switchboard experience - but also very interesting, and of course I coped fine), and the second a three hour stint of greeting people and handing out name badges at a cocktail function for some company called Davis Langdon. Not at all scary, and not that interesting, but it meant money, and I got free wine and some tasty titbits, so it had it's plus sides. After that I met up with Rhysie boy for a coffee and had a pleasant evening of chat and beverage. It was a gorgeous day yday as you can see from this pic, which is the view from the front of my current abode in Brooklyn.Today is another gorgeous day and myself and Elaine have made the most of it by going for a walk around the harbour and along Oriental Parade, stopping for a spot of lunch on the jetty. It would have been a day for Chocolate Fish, but she had a meeting at 2, so we wouldn't have had time. This is what the harbour is looking like today. Have you got the idea yet of how gorgeous this place is?!! There is snow on those mountains over yonder, not sure if you can make it out on this pic. And here's me and Elaine in the midst of enjoying the sunshine.And that's you up to date. I must add though that I'm sorry that I haven't replied to some of your e mails yet, but I'm mainly looking for houses and jobs when I'm on the net, and figure it's better to do the blog so you can all see what's going on, than e mail only some of you. When I get settled I'll e mail like mad!! Hope you understand. Hugs. xxxx


At 12:50 am, Blogger Kt said...

Hee hee, me and Mum are online at the same time, how exciting!! Mini blog pour vous from KL- I've been dashing about the place and having a great time. Yesterday I went into the city and saw amongst other things a shipwreck exhibition, a butterfly park and a giant chair. I also checked out playgrounds for you: I was impressed. Malaysians favour bold design and bright colours, and I counted five slides on one playgrounds, in a variety of sizes for all ages to enjoy. Oh! And some renegade peacock tried to gnaw my feet in a bird park- my worst nightmare come true. Today, in true Kt & Sal stylee, I went to some caves!!! (Can we go to the caves Kt, can we, please, please, please please!) No Graham Norton there but many beautiful Hindu statues and temples. Home tomorrow. Ultimate chalk salad! Give everyone in Welly a huge snog from me xxxx

At 12:51 am, Blogger Kt said...

Oh and I'm glad you liked Miami Vice. I did.... hubba hubba. Colin's hair is ace.

At 2:09 pm, Blogger Kt said...

Sorry to comment again, but I'm surfing the net at the airport and they're playing Il Divo, yes!!!! Right, now I'll shut up xx

At 2:18 pm, Blogger Kt said...

"I don't wanna change the world, as long as you're my girlllll!" I'm sorry, I will shut up, I'm just soooo excited about going home my fingers won't stop typing.

At 2:44 pm, Blogger Kt said...

Ooh Il Divo, how fabulous - I think that could be Fred's favourite song now, I played it at the weekend and he seemed to really like it, didn't you Fraser?!! Oh and Fiona Laura says you're very welcome to come and stay with them.xx


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