Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hello Everybody!!

Ooh my first post on my own, it feels rather odd, as it has done ever since me and Sally parted, but as we said we're both off on new adventures now - and if we don't follow our feet there's no knowing where we might get swept off to!! I therefore elect not to follow my feet. I've been very excited at seeing all my peeps again, and of course this beautiful (if cold) city, but it's also a little nerve wracking to be here on my own with no job and nowhere to live as yet. It will all come out right though I am sure.
Well since we last spoke this is what has occurred in my life. Me and Sal said farewell on Saturday morning at Cambridge bus stop as I hopped on the coach down south. She headed up to Auckland in the company of Kate and Pheebs and by all accounts had a nice couple of days. I have just received word that her flight has been delayed by 15 hours, but the airport have put her up in a "swanky" hotel, so she seems happy. Oh yes and congratulations go out for getting funding to do her PHD, go on.....my son!! I was not lonely on my coach journey thanks to Malcolm the driver and a nameless smelly dog, who kept me company on my two breaks. Below you see a picture of the smelly dog.I got rather emotional as we approached Wellington, watching the sun set off the Kapiti Coast before hopping off the bus in a sprightly manner and hailing a taxi to Chez Laura and Fred. We had a pleasant evening of Hell's Pizza and dvds - some of which we were the stars off - i managed to make the camcorder dvds play on the dvd player - fantastic!! Yesterday we had a nice lazy day, getting up late after watching Wallace and Gromit, and picking up an ice cream before going to watch some jazz at the hummingbird, and then Elaine at Isobar in the familiar haunt of Island Bay. One shocking thing that did occur and must be announced is the disappearance of the Seagull Slide (you may remember this slide from other posts on ye olde blog)!! I was sat by it for 20 mintues chomping my ice cream before Fred got up to have a go and i saw it had gone. As you can imagine Sally, and as Fred and Laura will testify, I was very upset. However, i have since been informed that it is in for repair, and it will be back, so watch this space. This morning I met up with some of my old colleagues from the Commerce Commission, and put in some enquiries about getting work with them once more. It sounded a little promising, so fingers crossed. I do have a 3 hour job on Wednesday evening, so that's something. Anyhoo, I must dash as i'm making tea tonight - spaghetti you guessed it!! - and i have to go get some supplies. Ta ta for now. xxxx


At 3:30 pm, Blogger Fred & Laura said...

AAALLLLRRRRIIIIIGHT! I feel honoured to be the first to comment on your blog kt. Am very glad to hear that I will be able to have a go on the slide in the near future, that's something to look forward to. Getting quite hungry at work so looking forward to tea later, and choc cake for pud mmmmm.

That's excellent that Sal got her funding, if you're reading this Sal, WELL DONE and AWOOOOGA!

Back to work then, cheerio!

At 10:02 am, Blogger Harthside said...

Is this site supposed to leave us 'green' with envy? Or is it just your choice of type face?
Thanks for the call today... Ben & Kate (+ smelly dog too) came round and we started with 'Champers' then some good steaks and Tim Adams Shiraz... will update the blog soonest ...

At 6:22 pm, Blogger Kt said...

Wayhey! I have arrived a la Malaysia, and am installed in my hotel. It is HOT, so HOT I'm thinking of abandoning all my sightseeing plans for just panting by the pool. Flight was cool, spent most of it setting up my wee playlist with some cracking tunes. The hotel is very swanky, and I just ate ice cream so I am happy. Half way to home!! Good luck with everything over the next few days my dearest xxx


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