Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Monday, August 21, 2006

Humming Along

Hello!! Hope you've all had a good weekend? It was a mixed bag here in Welli. Friday evening was Michelle and Alastairs's leaving do, and perhaps Caitlin's too, I'm not really sure. Alastair and Michelle are off on a tour of North Island for a month, and Caitlin is off down to South Island for Skiing at Wanaka with her bro, and spa time at Hamner Springs. So a bunch of us met for drinks In JJ's followed by Establishment. Fred and Laura kindly walked me to my bus afterwards and Fred was thrown into an utter state of shock at a huge 3 building long advert for the first series of 'Extras' that quoted Kate Winslet on a rather explicit subject. Go to Fred and Laura's blog for pics (though I've just checked and they're not on as yet). I, trying to keep some decorum, merely have a picture of Fred's amazement:
Saturday was supposed to be a day of LOTR activity, with a last viewing of the exhibition at Te Papa, before a trip to Chocolate Fish, but the weather did not like our plan and rained it off, so instead we met Elaine and her friend Sarah for a spot of lunch (after some sneaky hot chocs and bread at Hummingbird), and took to the museum later on. The exhibition did provide inspiration for some more fantastic reenaction/interpretation outside the museum, in a rockery/very small forest setting. Near fatal injuries were averted with Fred on hurting himself slightly after being pushed from a rock, and Laura walking (albeit dramatically) into a leave, and not thankfully into the actual tree!! Sunday came out beautifully, but as Fred had been razzing it on Saturday night with the lads, and Laura had an appoinment with Caroline and Sally, only myself and Elaine ended up making it to Chocolate Fish. We both enjoyed it thorougly. That was followed by another trip to the Hummingbird to listen to some jazz whilst supping on some wine. lovely, lovely. Oh yes, and I had my first flat viewing, but it was not for me. My next one is on Wednesday so hopefully that will be an improvement. xxxx


At 11:38 am, Blogger Fred & Laura said...

The picture in question shall be put on our blog soon, once i get over the fact it has been used in the advertising of the show!


At 12:59 pm, Blogger Fred & Laura said...

I'm not sure if I want such language on my beautiful blog!! Although I think my arm will be sufficiently twisted.

I think Kt got a tad too involved her role on Saturday I have to say! She said her line to the camera because I was holding it, even though she was meant to say the line to me as if I was off camera. It was all very confusing but turns out to be a classic moment of comedy genius!

The only thing missing was Sally as good old Sam!


At 9:44 am, Blogger Kt said...

Sorry for the boozy texts Kt- you know what I'm like... like the lobster, I am shamed! Had a great night with Gems though, the bar we were in was playing masses of Stones. Just had a yummy chinese. Hope you are getting somewhere with the flat viewings!


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