Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Friday, February 23, 2007

As always happens...

....when you say you have no time to write, suddenly you find yourself with the time. Here I am in Rotorua with 10 days left in this beautiful country and mum and dad have headed back to the jade shop to buy even more jade. Not that I'm complaining I've got a cool necklace out of it. Anyhoo. Yup I'll be home 2 weeks today and I'm pretty darn scared about it all. Nice to know there'll be lots of people to see and places to visit when I get back. We've done so much travelling now that I can't possibly fill you in on all of it, but I do have to mention that we went to Waitomo Caves yday with Spellbound - you remember Sal, and guess who was our guide - Norm!! He remembered us and the tour was as good as last time, plus I didn't freak out when we had to turn our lights out and couldn't see a thing. OOh yes and i'm meeting up for brunch with those two rascals Kate and Pheebs tomorrow. Looking forward to that since we've never managed to meet up since you left. Well those there parents are back now so next time I write will probably be from cafe numero 6 dans the Bay of Isalnds in a weeks time. So get on those comment horses and give me plenty to read and lots of positive messages about home please. Cheers chums. Toodles. xxxx

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Sorry I've been missing a while. Only got time to say we're having a good time. Very sad on leaving Welli, but so glad it happened. Hope you're all ok. I get home on the 9th of march. See you then. xxxx

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Go go, go go go!!

Well it's been a hectic week that's for sure. Mum and Dad (aka Chris and Bob) arrived safe and sound last Friday, and tears of emotion were shed. I picked them up in Cliff the car and since they were surprisingly spritely considering their long trip, I took them to Island Bay where we escaped a quick rain shower with a coffee at the bach cafe. We did several must do Welli activities in the days following including Choc fish, Te Papa, and a walk along Oriental Parade. The weather has been good to us everyday so far, and our ferry crossing to south island was perfect. We've just moved down from Kaikoura to Christchurch and I'm off on a tour to Edoras tomorrow avec Fred and Laura, leaving mum and dad to wander the streets alone. I'm sure they'll be ok out there on their own. Anyhoo, it's getting late, it's turning 10 pm as I type, and I need to be up early for the trip. I'll fill you in more at a later date when I can maybe add some photos. It sure is good to be on the road again. Hugs and Kisses. xxxxxx