Kt's NZ Blog

The journey continues....

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Post

Yo! I'm back at work and it sucks. Maybe Gina's right and it is worse to have a long weekend as it makes the remaining days drag. Who knows, all I know is that I hate scanning with a passion, and a lot of other things about this place too (as in work not NZ mind), but I shan't go into that. I have ranted now, and it is time to move on to happier things.
Happier things means Christmas!! The day came, and it didn't feel one iota like Christmas, but it felt special nevertheless. Myself and Caroline began with Croissants and a cup of tea, quickly replaced by bubbly for the opening of the presents.

I was very chuffed with my presents - the bracelet from Ben & Kate went perfectly with my dress for the day, and my necklace from ma and pa also (very like Eowyns though you probably didn't know that, and don't know who she is, but well done anyway, it's very pretty). I also got some majorly funky socks complete with evil herbivores, though how jerome and julian could be evil is beyond me. Just look at them...

Caroline was also pleased with her presents, especially the Take That dvd from her sis, which actually worked on our player, so we were both thrilled. It was so cool to see the guys up there in Manchester doing their thing. I didn't think I actually liked them that much, but I'm totally hooked now. They were fantastic and it brought back feelings and memories I didn't know I had. Rock on Take That!! It was also cool to think that Anna and Helen had been there to see it - at least I think you guys went - did you?!! Anyhoo, back to one of my presents, some awfully big pants!! I've already questioned mother as to the meaning - apparently I'd told her I was getting fat. I think what I'd said was that I'd put weight on. But still, we found a use for them on Christmas morning, and that was throwing them at the TV whilst TT were strutting some funky shapes. Here you see both Take That, the TV, and the pants.

At 2pm we were graced with the presence of Laura and Fred who had come to pick us up so we could get out to the beach before chowing down. This we did manage, but people were a little put off by the wind and the distinct lack of sun, so it was a brief visit. Here we are a minute after the 2nd carfulls arrival, taking a quick snap of the gang on the beach wall at Lyall Bay, before the 1st carfull went straight back home - though Fred make them walk up the big hill, poor wee things. From right to left it goes Bill, Veronica, Lals, Moi, Caz, Carla, and Fred. What a jolly bunch. (i must add here that Veronica broke into the flat as I think it wasn't known if Laura had any keys or not. I'll let them tell you the details on their blog, but I will say we were all impressed by the tactics used. Make-up was lost).
I was not to be deterred by the wind, and made sure I took a paddle in the Cook Strait before we were whisked back to Overtoun Terrace. Even with the wind the air wasn't that cold, but the sea was pretty nippy.

Here is myself and Laura looking gorgeous. That's the only reason I put this picture on really!! Oh, but please note both my bracelet and necklace, even though you can't see them that well.
Once back at the house the kitchen got into action, and the gang made us a wonderful feast, with homemade stuffing and other delights. Thanks to the chefs, my tummy likes you a lot. Look at the hats people, aren't they fabulous!! Fred doesn't have his on here,so here he is wearing double the quota...

Dinner was followed by myself, Caz, Fred, and Lals opening our special presents to each other out on the decking. These were all things made in NZ that we could keep to treasure the memories. I got a lovely photo holder. Then it was back inside for an attempt at scottish dancing - how the heck do you spell that other word for it?! - and Charades, oh and some Buzz action of course. A brilliant time was had by all, but I warn you if you ever play anything with Bill - keep your eye on him, he's a sneak!! Film names we'd never heard of, and probably never will again. Now come on Bill!!

I hope you all had an enjoyable day. Why don't you tell me about it? I am all lonesome here in Wellington as the rest of the gang have gone off exploring until the weekend, so it would brighten my day to hear you yuletide tales. xxxxxx

P.S I can't believe it's nearly 2007. Aaaaaahhhh!!

P.P.S. Thank you to everyone for my presents. Some have not arrived yet, so I await them with anticipation. (this is not a hint for you to send me presents, I am referring to ones that I have been told are coming, but which have not yet appeared, ie. those from Sal and Tim, Fiona and Catherine). Right, I really am off now. Ta ta.

Friday, December 22, 2006


To be festive I had to write in red didn't I?!! Ho Ho Ho!!! Ooh it's nearly here, and I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I've had an amazing year and look forward to making many more happy memories in 2007. Thanks to all who have made 2006 so special, I love you all. We've got an ideal day planned for Christmas Eve - we're off to the Embassy to see Fellowship of the Ring in the afternoon, followed with Christmas movies by the fire at Fred and Laura's. Then who knows what Christmas Day will bring. I hope yours are filled with joy and laughter. So I say Cheers....

Big Hugs... And very Merry Christmas...Be happy pumpkins. Lots and Lots of Love from Me. xxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bits and Bobs and Holiday Cheer

OOh, not long to go now peeps!! I shall be putting a special Christmas post on nearer to the time, but as I haven't put pics on for a few events I have chosen now to be the time. Firstly some from the Pinnacles, inspired by Lal's post. These will include the 'Album Cover' shot, intense!! Ooh but first, I can't resist, I have to wish you a sneaky Merry Christmas right now for why should I wait!! Merry Christmas!! Ok, back to pictures. Woah - for a minute there as i was loading the photos, I thought Smith and Jones avec Kim Wilde 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' had just come onto my Xmas radio station, but I was, alas, mistaken. I am without my Christmas music over here you see, and it upsets me, but I'm getting through somehow. I did just get a mighty fine treat courtesy of Slade, but they have been rather few and far between. Anyhoo, once more to the task at hand. So that's a few shots from les pinnacles. I think the last one conveys their magnificence. What do you think? What else do we have..... Ah yes. myself and Laura went for a wander in the sun a couple of weekends ago. We met up in Hataitai and strolled over Mt Victoria, with stops at some of our filming locations, which oddly correspond to some locations that the LOTR team used. Strange, but true my friends, strange but true. Below is one such location. Here you see we tried to capture the essence of the scene (the flight to the ferry - "that rider was looking for something, or someone. Frodo?) even though we were without our two co-stars Fred and Sal. Thumbs up to you two, and to us also quite frankly, as I think we did well with limited resources.Let's see, next we progess to last week when we got our Christmas presents from work. Here I am with my lovely box which was filled with wine (merlot no less) and christmas cake. Yum yum. Naturally I had to have Christmas music on while I opened it.
And that's all folks until the Christmas installment. You take care and enjoy the festive season and all it brings. Until next time I bid you adieu. xxxxxx

Monday, December 11, 2006

FYI my post on Carole is now on

Friday, December 08, 2006

Noah's getting his ark ready again

I borrowed the title from Fraser, as he so perfectly encapsulated the weather of Wellington at the moment in one little sentence. See for yourselves - you have no need to fear that we are basking in the sun, and whether we get any at all remains to be seen :(
FYI as this is a still frame you must use your imagination to get the real picture by adding in the gusts of wind that whips the rain up against the windows, making it look like it's actually hailing. yum.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A promise of things to come

Hello out there. I am in the middle of getting some posts together about my weekend in Akaroa and Christchurch, and Carole King and Elton John in concert, but I don't have the time needed to do them justice at the moment, so rather than rush through a post I will just say for now that the weekend was nice and relaxing, and the concerts were both fantastic in their different ways and you will be able to read more soon (by which time we here in Wellington hope that the summer will have finally arrived). xxxxx

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Carole is King

Aha, it is now Monday the 11th and it has been one week since I saw Carole, and I shall now fill you in on that particular event and the rest of my weekend. I started early on saturday morning with a 6.50 am flight down to Christchurch (to be known as Chch henceforth). I took the bus from the airport to the city centre and met a lady from Paraparaumu who had come to see her friend get Ordained in the Cathedral. As we had some time to kill we went for breakfast together at Robert Harris - a venue Sally may recall from our own trip to chch, for we had a nibble there and then progressed to ballentynes where she purchased her lovely yellow top. Anyhoo. I then went and caught my shuttle to Akaroa, which departed at 10.00 am and was a lovely informative journey complete with photo ops and an educational tape on the geography of the banks peninsula (that ended with a rendition of wild theme - i got quite emotional at that point). The photo you see below shows the bays surrounding Akaroa. It is in fact the crater of an extinct volcano. Pretty fab i think you'll agree.

The town itself is on a French theme due to the French being the first people here. It's very quaint and roses abound. The hostel had a private garden which i used with great enjoyment on the 2nd day, but it was a bit noisy on the first day so i took off to a place called tree top farm i believe. It was a beautiful day prefect for wandering around the extensive gardens. There was flowers everywhere - but this is the only place i could get a photo of me, and i did want at least one in.

After my tea i went for another wander and sat on the jetty for a while looking at the distant hills, as you see here.

Sunday was a bit grey, but still warm, so i spent most of the day reading, with the occasional saunter thrown in for good measure.
Monday saw my return to chch and once i had settled into my new hostel i went for a walk in the sun to the Botanical Gardens. This is a pic taken in the rose garden.

I feel the first time we went to Chch we stayed on the wrong side of Cathedral square as I loved it this time, and saw why they call it the garden city. It's beautiful, and full of green parks. I spent a couple of hours sat on the riverbank as it snowed dandelion clocks. Bliss.

But then it was time, oh yes!! At 7 pm I caught a bus out to the Westpac Centre and saw the legend that is Carole King!! She was fantastic. She played ace songs (goes without saying really) and chatted to us like we were in her living room, hence the name of the tour i suppose (the living room tour). She had two other musicians with her, who were both brillo, and below you see them playing smackwater jack.
I can't explain how amazing the whole experience was, to hear her talk about how she writes and what her first song sounded like. She didn't have a talent for lyrics and she totally made fun of herself for it (but then she was only 13 at the time). The only song I wish she'd done that she didn't was Home Again, but I can wait till next time for that. She did an ace medley, and surprised me once more with how many fab songs she has penned (eg. one fine day, something tells me i'm into something good, and so many others).
As an encore she did You Make me Feel Like a Natural Woman, and You've Got A Friend. I shed some tears to that one. The final song was one that i won't forget for a while - The Locomotion - not just because she was boogeying away with the rest of us, but because she got some of her backstage crew to dress in sheep costumes and come out to dance. It was so funny. So yes a good time was had, and I can't wait to both see Carole once more, and to head back down to South Island in February avec Ma and Pa.

Thank you, and goodnight. xxxxxx